Saturday, July 14, 2007

What to Do When Scammed in World of Warcraft

When you’ve been scammed in World of Warcraft it probably seems like there isn’t a whole lot you can do to stop it. The scammer usually has the law on their side because of the law’s definition of digital property and the ambiguity of online gaming. However, there are some things you can do, if you have the right kind of knowledge on your side, to keep from falling completely victim to a scammer.

The very best thing you can do is to not do anything of high risk to start with. If you stay away from buying things offline, trading accounts, and clicking on email links that should be avoided, you can keep from losing your gold, items, and account to a scammer almost all the time.

Of course, if you are dealing with a scammer, you probably are engaging in high risk activities and in that case, there are some things you can do. First off, always write down character names. Many times, scammers will use names consisting of strange European or Asian characters that are designed to keep you from remembering them. If you write these names down before they get away from you, you have something to give Blizzard when you report them. Also, record dates, times and any other information you notice that might help Blizzard track them down and return your items and gold to you.

Always read your email thoroughly. This goes for almost all situations outside of World of Warcraft as well. If you spend the time necessary to check your email thoroughly and keep from clicking on anything suspect, you can also keep from getting caught in elaborate phishing scams. If you think of your World of Warcraft account in the same way as you think of your money, you likely won’t have much trouble keeping it as safe.

Ultimately, you must be aware of the rules and how they apply to both you and the scammer. If something is against the rules and both you and scammer have engaged in that activity, the scammer hopes to get away with it because you are afraid to report it. However, Blizzard will still track down the scammer if they can regardless of what you did and you should do your best to help them get caught and keep them from doing the same thing to a future player.

Keep the right information at hand, always record what you do online and never fall victim to simple ploys and you will never need to report anything to Blizzard and catch a scammer. However, if you do get scammed, don’t be resigned to the scamming. Do your best to get them caught and help protect everyone else.

World of Warcraft is rampant with sly little thieves and tricksters who craft scams designed to take the poor unsuspecting few for fools. Learn more about World of Warcraft Scam and what you can do to avoid it at

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Gamers World Bangladesh Blog