Saturday, July 14, 2007

Trading Card Scam in World of Warcraft

There are a ton of different properties that have jumped up seemingly over night to tag along with the success of World of Warcraft. The World of Warcraft Trading Card Game is yet another one of these and was born of the popularity of both the online game and offline games such as Magic: The Gathering. With a game such as World of Warcraft though there were infinitely more options as to how to handle the card game and draw in collectors, one of which was to offer actual in-game items.

So, with the advent of the trading card game arrived the advent of the codes attached to the trading card game. These little codes were attached to certain hard to find cards and allowed players to acquire rare and goofy items in the game, one of which is the almighty Turtle Mount.

Well, not everyone was keen on playing the card game and so many players are willing to dole out a few hundred gold in the game to get the codes from the cards to acquire their mounts or other Trading Card items. Unfortunately, this also means that a small percentage of scammers have found yet another new way to prey on item hungry players and steal their gold.

So, for those of you who are intrigued by the prospect of getting a Turtle Mount or any of the many other Trading Card Game related items in World of Warcraft, it’s important to know exactly how to go about doing so, so as you don’t get scammed out of your gold.

Generally, a scammer will approach with the prospect of picking up a Turtle Mount code for a decent price, usually lower than it should be, but not too much lower so as to keep you from being suspicious. Then they will offer to give you a code attached in a letter of some kind and many will even mark the letter as COD so as to gain your trust.

However, the problem with that false trust is that they have are giving you a fake or already used code. These fake codes will look and appear real, all the way until you go to enter them and find that they are in fact empty numbers. The worst part is that the scammer will then send the gold back to their main character through a series of fake characters to avoid detection, logoff and delete their character. In a few short minutes you’re out a big sum of gold and they’re running around with a new epic mount.

The best way to avoid this kind of scam is to be educated on how it operates. You should know exactly what to look for and always deal only with players who you either know or can find someone to vouch for. Don’t buy expensive items such as letters from characters you’ve never met before.

World of Warcraft is rampant with sly little thieves and tricksters who craft scams designed to take the poor unsuspecting few for fools. Learn more about World of Warcraft Scams and what you can do to avoid it at

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Gamers World Bangladesh Blog