Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dealing With Scam Crafters in World of Warcraft

There are too many instances in World of Warcraft in which you can easily fall victim to a scammer posing as a crafter. Everyone has a need for items and crafted goods and many people turn to their fellow players to help them rather than using the Auction House or Shops, because it is cheaper and you can use your own goods.

However, scammers can cleverly use this method to take your items and your gold and never deliver your goods, leaving you completely broke and itemless. Crafting scams are incredibly simple for a scammer to commit as well, only requiring a high level character (that they probably took from someone else), a simple program to show people items they don’t actually have and cannot make, and their own normal account.

With these simple tools, a scammer can scam hundreds of gold an hour from their fellow users and if you’re not aware of their methods, you could easily fall victim yourself. The scammer will usually take these things to a major city and start advertising their skills to the crowd, offering a fairly good deal for a crafted item. The deal will seem better than others, but only by a little bit. If the deal seems too good, most people will grow suspicious.

However, the scammer doesn’t have any of the necessary skills to make these items and simply uses their hacked program to make you think they do by posting hotlinks to items they don’t have and crafting skills they don’t have. Many users will see this as the only proof they need that the offer is real and start forking over mats and gold without actually checking the other players crafting skills and armory.

Once they have your gold and your materials they mail them off to their normal account and disappear forever, deleting the fake account and taking everyone’s money. You probably noticed them offering the same deal to numerous other characters throughout the city. This is also often a tip off that they are scamming you as they hurry to maximize the amount of gold they make before turning off their high level character.

Because they’re using a scammed account and disappear so quickly, usually through a proxy, the user cannot be reported and you will never get your items back. However, to avoid such a scam, it is only a matter of carefully selecting who you choose to craft for you and always checking their skills.

If someone offers a good crafting deal, they might just be a nice person who is trying to help lower level characters craft items. However, always check their armory and skill level first to make sure they are telling the truth and never hand over gold if you have not references to assure you that the character is legitimate. They might still scam you if they’ve stolen an account, but at least you will have done everything you can to stop it. Be aware of the signs and the possible methods of scamming and you can save lots of time.

Did you know that World of Warcraft is rampant with sly little thieves and tricksters who craft scams designed to take the poor unsuspecting few for fools?
Learn how you can avoid getting scammed in World of Warcraft at

Article Source:

Gamers World Bangladesh Blog