Saturday, July 14, 2007

How To Legally Make Money In Everquest 2 - EQ2

Tips on how to LEGALLY make money in this MMORPG. An unofficial guide by a veteran Everquest 2 player. I have listed what I can think of how to easily (or at least fairly easy) make money in EQ2. I have some more in depth posts in my gaming blog (link provided in link list) and I try to update this lens as things might change or can think of any new links to add. I'm thinking the prices of succulent roots might drop (no guarantee) since they have slightly increased the amount of root nodes in Sinking Sands. The newest patch (live update 36) brought some interesting changes, but other than the roots, no apparent change to the in game economy.

To legally make real money in this game, you need to have a character on one of the two Station Exchange enabled servers, The Bazaar (non-PvP) or Vox (PvP). Character transfer is usually free to these servers although you can't transfer items of value or coin. Oh, and when you are there you are stuck! One may not transfer a character from a Station Exchange-enabled server. Make sure that for further information regarding selling plat for money to look up the main EQ2 site.

The only place to buy and sell plat legally is on the Station Exchange. I think it is great that Sony makes it possible for players to make real life money in this game, so I encourage people that want to buy and sell plat to move to one of the two servers mentioned above. If more people start using Station Exchange then maybe they will open up more servers with this capability.

These days plat value is low, about a buck per plat, not like when it first started out. Some of the reasons behind this are illegal gold sellers, so make sure to /report and /petition all those gold spammers! They ruin it for the ones trying to legally make a little bit of extra income on this game. That is rule number one!

Stay away from botting, that is illegal as well. If you see someone botting, take screenshots and send in as well as /report, /petition. Keep in mind that boxing is different than botting. If you ACTUALLY control your toons it is different. However, the botters are running illegal macros.

would say that probably the sage or jeweler is the one that makes the quickest buck (ok well plat really) in this game. It all depends on supply and demand of course. Sage is famous for making good money. Easiest and cheapest to level is the provisioner and they make a steady income that quickly adds up (you might learn to not like that stove and keg so much when you keep having to go back to make more stuff).

Some tips for how to make coin in the world of Norrath Harvest and sell rares. Some people might say that the prices of rares will drop... well it does and then it goes back up. Prices fluctuate for pretty much anything on the broker.

Sell those collectibles on the broker.

Tradeskill and sell your mastercrafted stuff.

Buy low, sell high. Sound familiar? Well, the game economy is an economy like most other ones.

Distinguish what items might sell well enough on broker to bother selling them instead of vendoring them. Most things sell at least somewhat better on broker, but some things just are plain vendor trash.

Sell to the right npc... if you really want to get the most out of your vendor trash, take it to someone you have the highest faction with. If you are going to sell a lot and the items are worth at least a couple of gold, it really starts being worth the trip.

Get a house. This cannot be stressed enough. When items start costing up to a plat then broker commission starts to hurt, and people often bother taking the trip to your house to buy it. Plus sometimes you can mark your options higher and still be cheaper than the other person.

Get the most bang for your buck. Kelethin might not be the travel hub, so I'm not so sure that is any better than Qeynos in that aspect. Neriak is cheaper to live in than Freeport and just about as accessible. So I would probably recommend Neriak if the rent is an issue. Many people seemed to have moved to Neriak these days as well. However, one thing to keep in mind is that it appears impossible to sneak into Neriak, so if any good toons want to buy from your house there, well... they could most likely expect a repair bill. It is easier to sneak in Freeport.

This one is obvious... hunt nameds.

Don't destroy your non rare harvested stuff! The prices on some of the roots often get ridiculous, especially succulent roots, which is used heavily in tradeskill tier 6.

Those shiny things on the ground, collectibles, yeah... some people call them glowies, other people call them shinies... No big deal about lingo here, they're all collectibles. Most people seem to forget about the long around site Allakhazam... yes ogaming was better but then it was incorporated with the allakhazam site... not much to do about it. Allakhazam for Everquest 2 do have a good collection list (not all are covered, but many are there). Do a search in your favorite search engine for the site or better yet, check out the link list on this lens. Collectibles usually equals good money, some a lot better than others, so it pays to know where these things spawn. Collectibles are easy leveling, so many (especially those who already raised one or more toon to 70), will be interested in picking these up on the broker.

Happy adventuring!

G. Wachtel is an artist and a gamer. She and her husband has a store on Cafepress that carries original art and photography on t-shirts, mousepads, bags and more. Fantasy and realistic art of dragons, horses, sea life, wildlife and more. Fantasy art: Tigers, tech and more!

Article Source:

Gamers World Bangladesh Blog